Watch this video
to see Mold Stain Away in Action
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Protect yourself. Mold Stain Away is a full strength, aggressive product. Understand the need for proper PPE and ensure you wear it.
PPE for indoor mold remediation includes full face mask with organic vapour cartridges, nitrile gloves, and a Tyvek suit rated for moisture and particulate. Ensure adequate air circulation and if necessary negative air handling.
PPE for outdoor application includes an N95 mask, safety goggles, and nitrile gloves
Contact Numbers:
In an emergency call 1-352-323-3500 (INFOTRAC – 24 hours, 7 days a week)
For local distributor, contact Thanasis Ltd. @ 242.427.7747
For technical questions, contact Mold Science Technologies Inc. @ 888.770.3130